After many weeks with only a few at best big games releasing, we have our first major week in quite a week when talking about new releases. This features an appearance of games on every platform, some physical and some digital.
Madden NFL 15 is probably the biggest release of the week, putting forth one of the best entries in the series in a long time, which you can read about more in our review. The incredible The Walking Dead Season 2 comes to its epic conclusion this week as well across various platforms with No Going Back. In addition, we also get The Walking Dead Pinball this week. The inFamous: Second Son standalone DLC known as First Light also releases on Tuesday.
The week is then capped with two highly anticipated releases for the Nintendo 3DS with Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney and Azure Striker Gunvolt.
Check out the full list of new releases below of what you can expect to be released the week of August 24th through August 30th:
- Super Time Force Ultra (PC/Steam)
- Madden NFL 15 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
- The Walking Dead: Season 2 – Episode 5 No Going Back (PlayStation 3/PSN, PS Vita/PSN, PC/Steam)
- inFamous: First Light (PlayStation 4/PSN)
- Metro Redux (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC)
- Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 (PS Vita)
- The Walking Dead Pinball (PlayStation 4/PSN, PlayStation 3/PSN, PS Vita/PSN)
- Appointment With F.E.A.R. (PC/Steam)
- The Walking Dead: Season 2 – Episode 5 No Going Back (Xbox 360/XBLA)
- The Walking Dead Pinball (Xbox 360/XBLA, PC/Steam)
- Lethal League (PC/Steam)
- Toast Time (PC/Steam)
- Pinball FX 2 (Xbox One/Xbox Games Store)
- The Walking Dead Pinball (Wii U/eShop)
- Steamworld Dig (Wii U/eShop)
- Thorium Wars: Attack of the Skyfighter (3DS/eShop)
- Draconian Wars (PC/Steam)
- Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (3DS)
- Azure Striker Gunvolt (3DS/eShop)
- GoD Factory: Wingmen (PC/Steam)
- To End All Wars (PC/Steam)
Published: Aug 25, 2014 12:14 am