Namco Bandai have released a new trailer for their upcoming ‘Free 2 Play’ installment in the Ridge Racer series. The game will be developed by Bugbear who also worked on the the last major series iteration, Ridge Racer Unbounded.
Ridge Racer Driftopia is currently in closed beta on PC (registrations currently open) and will be coming to the PS3 as well, helping to fatten up the console’s growing F2P lineup.
The new trailer for Ridge Racer Driftopia features very Burnout-like gameplay as well as the typical sideways shenanigans with exotic sports cars tearing around cities and through various barriers leaving numerous small explosions and broken mailboxes in their wake.
If previous F2P games from Namco Bandai are any indicator (like Tekken Revolution for instance), gamers may have to look forward to not only a severely crippled level of content available compared to retail releases as well as the use of tickets or coins to purchase play time in game.
Did you think I could write this whole article without making a RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDGE RAAAAAAAAACER joke? Are you looking forward to micromanaging digital currency in order to obtain play time in Ridge Racer Driftopia? Let us know in the comments below?
Published: Aug 27, 2013 12:19 am