It looks like someone forgot to tell Square Enix that E3 doesn’t start until next week. The company has released their E3 trailer for Thief, a stealthy title that’s due to arrive on the Xbox One, PS4, and PC.
This Thief reboot is a long time coming for fans of the series, and we still don’t know exactly when to expect the new title from Eidos Montreal. The tail-end of this trailer says 2014, and we’ll have to wait and see when this release window is narrowed.
For now, we’ll just have to be content with the fact that the franchise is being revisited at all. It could certainly be being developed by worse studios. Eidos Montreal, the studio behind Deus Ex: Human Revolution, has proven that they are more than capable when it comes to iconic reboots.
Published: Jun 7, 2013 08:19 am