The Bulk of Microsoft E3 2010 Press Event was Kinect Themed. Beginning with a demonstration of the new motion controllers voice recognition capabilities. If there was any doubt that Microsoft had included this functionality it can be put to rest. As commanding the Xbox 360’s Kinect functionality was as easy as saying “Xbox _____” which allowed the demonstrator to select music, movies, friends, and other functionalities from the Xbox dashboard.
Video Conferencing was also featured in the show. A demonstrator conferenced with a family member across the country via Kinect. They were able to watch videos, look at pictures, and other functionalities of the Xbox dashboard. A theme throughout the show was that Kinect’s abilty to free up your hands by allowing you to voice activate many processes.
ESPN 360 was also showed at the event. Trey Wingo and ESPN accomplace came bantered shortly about how great the new features were to Xbox Live. But more importantly some of the features that were include in the free for Xbox Live Gold Members program that will be coming to the 360. The commentators announced over 3500 live events will be viewable by 360 owners via ESPN 360. Partnering with the NBA, MLB, MLS and many other sports seem to be participating. It will incorporate avatars as well as voting features which shows which team you are rooting for and how many people are rooting for that team.
Shown Above Kinectimals, the interactive game for children of all ages that allows users to interact with a virtual pet.
Joyride – the motion controlled Kart Racer was demoed.
Kinect Fitness
Forza Kinect?
Dance Central – Harmonix
Published: Jun 14, 2010 9:34 PM UTC