Payday 2 received a free update yesterday, which includes a brand new heist. ‘The Charlie Santa Heist’ should now be added to the list of available missions, and a video trailer for it can be found at the bottom of this article. Also included in the update is a new scope and free Santa mask.
For more information on Payday 2’s new heist, Charlie Santa, there is a host of details here, on the official game website. There you can find two potential plans of attack, a list of added achievements and various concept art pieces. According to the web page, Plan “A” takes approximately 12 minutes and is the more stealthy option. Plan “B” on the other hand will take you over 20 minutes, and will involve coming under fire.
Attack of the Fanboy have already covered a series of tips and tricks for Payday 2, for low, medium and higher leveled players. These can be found by clicking the links above.
Published: Dec 17, 2013 03:52 pm