For many Star Wars: Battlefront is THE game they are looking forward to playing on next-gen consoles. After EA scooped up the rights to make games using the Disney owned property, DICE was handed the reigns to work on the game. Recently, Microsoft updated their online storefront with a description of the game.
Conquer the galaxy planet by planet, reads the description
“Relive and participate in all of the classic Star Wars battles like never before. Play as one of a number of different soldier types, jump into any vehicle, many any turret on the battlefront, and conquer the galaxy, planet by planet.”
This is just about the extent of what we know about the game. Neither DICE, nor EA has been forthcoming with details about its release date. The description above provides more color as to what to expect from the game, compared to what EA has posted about on its official page for Star Wars: Battlefront. The publisher worked Star Wars fans into a frenzy after revealing the game at their E3 2013 press conference, where they revealed the teaser video below.
The site also lists a release date for Star Wars: Battlefront as arriving on 12/31/13. This is certainly not the case. But with the Spike VGX being such a jumping off point for many marketing campaigns for AAA titles, we could definitely be getting more information very shortly.
Published: Nov 28, 2013 05:54 am