Dauntless has plenty of ways to customize the look of your character, with numerous armor sets to unlock. But what if you’re unhappy with the appearance you created at the start of the game? You can also change the way your character looks at any time. The game tells you that you can change your appearance, but never really shows you where to do this.
To change your appearance in Dauntless you need to head to the mirror in the Ramsgate town hub, next to Gregario Flynt. From where you spawn into Ramsgate this is located on the right side of the main circle. The mirror will highlight yellow when you approach it, giving you the option to interact with it.
Look for the mirror in the town’s main hub
Once you’re using the mirror you’ll find that there are plenty of customization options to change your character any way that you like. You can swap gender, body style, skin color, head shape, eye color and shape, hairstyle, nose shape, mouth shape, ear shape, jaw shape, while also adding things like makeup or tattoos.
There does not appear to be any limit on changing your appearance in Dauntless and it does not cost anything to do it.
Published: May 22, 2019 11:15 am