According to a handful of excited tweets from users V7X3 and Funmw2 & CaughtCrash today, the Online Heists update hit their copies of Grand Theft Auto V. Before you let that jealousy consume you, it is worth noting that these users can not access the new content. Heists, and many other changes, seem to be locked off for the time being and are unlikely to be accessible before the official launch on Tuesday, March 10th. Although, the community never ceases to amaze when it comes to accessing data that the developers were trying to keep sectioned off.
This early leak, if that is what we have on our hands here, has given us an important piece of information regarding the update. The current-gen consoles (PS4 and Xbox One) will see Online Heists weigh in at 4.8GB, whereas last-gen platforms (PS3 and Xbox 360) have a 1.2GB download awaiting them for the same add-on content. Let’s hope that this “early leak” turns out to be Rockstar letting users get a head start on downloading these hefty updates so that we can all jump in to heists together with little to no waiting. If you have already received the update, share your findings with us!
Published: Mar 8, 2015 02:35 pm