This week’s issue of the Japanese magazine Shonen Jump announces that The Seven Deadly Sins, a manga series created by Nakaba Suzuki, is getting a new videogame adaptation coming to PS4. Described as an action game, the title of this new project would be translated as “The Seven Deadly Sins: The Britannian Traveler,” and is being developed by Bandai Namco.
Defeated by the Holy Knights a long time ago, the group of warriors known as the Seven Deadly Sins have become now the last hope for the Liones Kingdom of Britannia, after the Holy Knights have self-proclaimed rulers of the land. Princess Elizabeth embarks on a journey to find the mysterious group that the legend portrays as villains.
The magazine is expected to reveal the first images of the game later this week, although it is not sure if they will also announce the release date.
The anime adaptation of The Seven Deadly Sins can be currently watched on Netflix around the world, with a new series premiering this September in Japan. Other videogames based on the manga were released for Nintendo 3DS and mobile platforms, although they were not released outside Japan.
Published: Jun 26, 2017 02:14 pm