Resident Evil 2 follows in the grand tradition of the series and the survival-horror genre in making your inventory a major gameplay component. At the beginning of the game, you can only carry a scant number of items. This will expand throughout the game, but how do you do it? It isn’t explained until you actually find one of the rare items. Here’s how to get more inventory space in Resident Evil 2 Remake.
The key item you need to expand your inventory is the Hip Pouch. There’s actually six of them hidden within each of RE2’s campaigns. Whether you play as Leon or Claire, they will be in the same place, with one shifted for the 2nd Run only. Want to know where they are? Check out this guide to find each and every one of them.
Unfortunately the Hip Pouch is the one and only way to get more inventory space in Resident Evil 2 Remake. These six give you two extra spots a piece, adding twelve spaces total to your inventory space. Make sure you grab all of them, because those extra spaces are the key to making it out of the horror of Raccoon City.
And that’s how to get more inventory space in Resident Evil 2 Remake.
Published: Jan 24, 2019 07:09 pm