Classroom of the Elite is a light novel series where protagonist Kiyotaka attends the elite Advanced Nurturing High School. It’s a fantastic school where its students are essentially guaranteed a bright future upon graduation, but Kiyotaka gets placed in class 1-D. Despite this, Kiyotaka Ayanokōji perseveres and meets numerous classmates, friends, and prospective partners, but you might be curious about who he ends up with in Classroom of the Elite.
Who Does Ayanokoji Kiyotaka End Up Falling in Love With in Classroom of the Elite?
In the Classroom of the Elite light novels, Ayanokoji Kiyotaka confessed his feelings for and is currently dating Kei Karuizawa. She has been considered the girls’ leader of Class D, and she had realized her feelings for him in Volume 7.5, with Kiyotaka confessing his feelings in the epilogue of 11.5.
As of the second year in the light novel series, they are still dating, but since the series is still ongoing, there can always be changes. Volume 9 of Classroom of the Elite: Year 2 releases on February 25, 2023.
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Ayanokoji Kiyotaka was a socially awkward loner at the beginning of Classroom of the Elite, possessing a sharp intellect that would prove to be an asset to him. Despite subversion of his expectations of an easy life upon entering the Advanced Nurturing High School, he has made things work out for himself.
A participant in the White Room experiments, he is surprisingly athletic and proficient in a wide array of tasks and feats. But he is tactical in his thinking, and strategically reveals his intellect such as in his test scores, affecting his entrance exams intentionally.
Despite the anime not quite catching up to the light novels yet, the anime adaptation that’s been running since 2017 recently concluded its second season in 2022. Season 3 is confirmed to have its TV broadcast premiere sometime in 2023. You can currently view the first 2 seasons on Crunchyroll.
Published: Feb 21, 2023 11:39 pm