The fifth episode of Ahsoka, “Shadow Warrior,” took viewers on a mind-blowing voyage into the titular Jedi’s past. One of the many familiar faces that Ahsoka encountered was her younger self, who portrayed Ariana Greenblatt, a rising young star who might look familiar to the millions of viewers who tuned in to watch the first half of the climatic two-part finale of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Here’s where you might have seen Ariana Greenblatt before her time-twisting role in Ahsoka.
Who Does Ariana Greenblatt Portray in Ahsoka?
After being knocked out and tossed into the raging sea by the fallen Jedi Baylan Skoll, Ahsoka “awakens” within the World Between Worlds, a mystical realm that connects all of space and time. There, she’s greeted by the spirit of her former master, Anakin Skywalker, who takes his pupil on a journey into her past to impart upon her one final lesson. During an extended flashback sequence in which she relieves some of the most decisive battles of the Clone Wars, Ahsoka’s form regresses to that of her younger self, whom Greenblatt plays.
What Movies and TV Shows Has Arianna Greenblatt Been In?
If you were one of the many viewers who saw Greenblatt’s portrayal of a young Ashoka and felt an odd sense of deja vu, it’s because you’ve probably seen her in other films. After making her debut as a minor character in one episode of the Disney Channel sitcom Liv and Mattie, Greenblatt has starred in several high-profile films, including a little movie called Avengers: Infinity War.
Related: Who is the Droid Huyang in Ahsoka?
In Avengers: Infinity War, Greenblatt played the younger version of Zoe Saldaña’s Gamora, who appeared in a flashback sequence early in the film that explored how the Guardians of the Galaxy’s second-in-command became the ward of the Infinity Stone-seeking galactic tyrant Thanos. This young Gamora made one final appearance in a dream-like vision Thanos experienced after finally achieving his life-long goal of killing half of all life, stepping out of an orange mist to ask her adoptive father if he won and if the price of victory was worth it.
Since Avengers: Infinity War, Greenblatt has played more prominent parts in other major motion pictures. The most recent was Barbie, in which Greenblatt played Sasha, the jaded teenage daughter of America Ferrera’s Gloria, who plays an important role int he titular dool-turned-woman’s journey of self-discovery.
Published: Sep 14, 2023 02:39 pm