The Jurassic World franchise is set to make a comeback with its latest installment, Jurassic World Rebirth. The upcoming film, scheduled for release next summer, promises to take the series in a new direction. This will not continue the story that wrapped up three years ago.
According to the YouTube trailer description, Jurassic World Rebirth will have a star-studded cast, including Scarlett Johansson, Jonathan Bailey, and Mahershala Ali. Rebirth follows a team on a mission to secure DNA samples from the three most colossal creatures across land, sea, and air. Judging by how something like that has gone in past movies, we will likely see a disaster. The film is set five years after the Jurassic World Dominion events and takes place in a world where dinosaurs have struggled to adapt to their new environment.
The story revolves around Zora Bennett, a skilled covert operations expert played by Johansson. Bennett leads a team on a top-secret mission to obtain genetic material from the world’s largest dinosaurs. Their mission intersects with a civilian family stranded on an island, where they encounter a shocking discovery that has been hidden from the world for decades. We don’t know what the discovery is, but it sounds interesting. We’ve seen the stranded family plot in Jurassic Park III, but this one sounds like it will be more than a rescue mission.
The Jurassic World trilogy received its fair share of criticism but continued the story regardless. This movie is good news for anyone who didn’t like the direction of the trilogy because fans will get to see a new story. Rebirth sounds like it will be closer to the originals, where humans were in dinosaur territory and could be stalked and hunted. This would make it more of a thriller than the action-packed direction on which the Jurassic World trilogy was focused.
As next Summer approaches, we’ll likely hear more about the movie, but the title reveal of Rebirth gives us a lot to go on.
Published: Aug 29, 2024 12:08 pm