A new animated series based on Stephenie Meyer’s popular Twilight Saga is in development for Netflix. The series will be an adaptation of Midnight Sun, a novel that tells the story of the first book from the perspective of Edward Cullen. This is exactly what Team Edward fans have been wanting.
The Netflix series will focus on the first book’s story, at least for season 1. This will show how Edward fell in love with Bella and what he did during their time apart. This is something that never gets touched on, as we only see things from Bella’s point of view in the Twilight Books. This idea comes from Midnight Sun, released in 2020 after being in the works for over a decade. Midnight Sun goes over Edward’s thoughts and feelings throughout the first book’s events (thanks Deadline).
So, the animated series will allow viewers to experience the story from a new perspective and explore additional details about Bella and Edward’s relationship. Sinead Daly, known for her work on Tell Me Lies, will be writing and executive producing the Twilight animated series. Long-time fans will be happy to know that Stephenie Meyer, the author of the original novels, will also be the project’s executive producer.
The Twilight animated series is expected to be a fresh take on the beloved franchise. While we don’t expect it to differ much from the plot, if you look at a different perspective, you can tell a new story. For example, when Edward leaves the classroom because of Bella’s smell, she sees him later trying to change his class. How long before he came to that decision, and who did he talk to beforehand? That’s probably an hour where we don’t see him. There’s also plenty of time when Bella is with Jacob or doing her own thing where the show can focus on Edward.
Additionally, the series will be able to explore the Cullen vampires’ family dynamics and Edward’s unique abilities without the limitations of live-action filmmaking. Edward was also very different in the books than in the movie, so we may see a closer representation of the character as more of a gentleman from the early 1900s.
While there is no official release date for the Twilight animated series yet, we’ll definitely look forward to a new and exciting chapter in the beloved franchise.
Published: Sep 4, 2024 02:15 pm