Science Saru’s latest anime series, DAN DA DAN, aired its first three episodes in theaters, which was met with resounding excitement from fans of the series – earning $1,005,531 ahead of the series’ official October release date.
In addition to the anime’s box office success, Science Saru has dropped a series of brand-new trailers showing off everything fans who didn’t get to see the first three episodes in theaters have to look forward to.
These special trailers include the “Love” trailer, which shows off the two main characters developing feelings for one another through their endless bickering, a “Battle” trailer showing off Science Saru’s expressive animation style, and an “Occult” trailer showing off more of DAN DA DAN‘s eccentric world.
DAN DA DAN will be available to stream on Netflix and Crunchyroll beginning on October 4, 2024.
Published: Sep 16, 2024 01:22 pm