If you’re looking to excel and improve in PGA Tour 2K23, you’re going to need to find the right control type that will help push you to the limit of what you can achieve in your golfing career. With the addition of a new control type, you’ll be able to either use the standard Stick Swing or the newest addition to the team, the 3-Click.
But, if you’re a golf pro, which should you choose? Let’s dive into what makes each of them unique, and go over the pros and cons of each of these control types as we find out what may be the perfect option for you. Here is everything that you’ll need to know about the control options in PGA Tour 2K23!
Stick Swing Versus 3-Click in PGA Tour 2K23
If you’ve played a golf game in the past, you’ll already be familiar with the Stick Swing method of play, and while it may be a little more unforgiving in this title compared to others, it works very similarly to previous games. However, the new 3-Click Swing is something that may take a bit of time to get used to. Let’s find out what makes each of them great, and what could be your preferred option!
Stick Swing Control Type in PGA Tour 2K23
If you’ve got a steady thumb and want to have the most realistic swing, you’re going to float to the Stick Swing control type. You’ll be able to use either the left or right stick on your controller of choice and pull back to nail a straight line shot down the fairway. However, you’ll need to make sure that you’re accurate, or that you know what kind of swing you want to perform.
If you even slightly tilt the stick in the wrong way, you’re going to send the ball flying out of bounds, or off of the path that you meant to send it down. While this does take some time to get used to, you’ll find that it can deliver some of the most satisfying shots that will get you closer to the green than ever before.
3-Click Shot Control Type in PGA Tour 2K23
If you’ve played more arcade-style golf games in the past, like the Everybody’s Golf series, this control method may feel a bit more at home for you. Rather than depending on the accuracy of your stick tilts, you’ll be able to press and hold a button to fill in a target and then depend on your reflex speed to hit the ball straight and narrow.
However, if you’re a player that has a bit of a slower reaction time, this could turn out to be a difficult control method to use, as it does require some fast thinking and some quicker button presses to make it a proper shot. If you can master it, however, you’ll be able to make some of the best shots in the game without thinking twice.
Which control method sounds like it will be your go-to? Make sure that you’re checking into our PGA Tour 2K23 Guide Section so you can pair your favorite control method with your favorite golfer, making your trip to the virtual links that much more exciting.
PGA Tour 2K23 will be available on October 14th on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC.
Published: Oct 10, 2022 11:00 AM UTC