Are you looking for all Pioneer Station collectible locations in Aliens: Dark Descent so you can complete achievements that require you to find all Datapads, Material, and Xenomorph Blueprints on Lethe? The collectibles in Pioneer Station are spread across three levels, and some of the Datapads may be missed. However, there’s no need to worry as we have an easy-to-follow guide that lists all the locations.
All 17 Pioneer Station Datapad Locations in Aliens: Dark Descent
You will find six Datapads in the Docking Bay, six in the Headquarters, and four on the Command Level. Their locations have been marked with pink arrows on the maps below. You can return to Pioneer Station on another mission, so don’t worry if you don’t collect all 17 Datapads during your first deployment.
Author’s Note: There is one Datapad you will find by completing the Customs Seizure secondary objective. You will find Kiran Kaur Log #2 during this secondary objective, which counts for one Datapad. However, this Datapad is not on the maps below, so don’t forget to complete this secondary objective.
All Six Docking Bay Datapad Locations

You will find six Datapads on the Docking Bay floor. Make sure to complete the Secondary Objectives, as this will net you a few Datapads that are otherwise not visible on the map.
All Six Headquarters Datapad Locations

You will find six Datapads on the Headquarters floor. Make sure to complete the Secondary Objectives, as this will get you a few Datapads that are otherwise not visible on the map.
All Four Command Level Datapad Locations

You will find four Datapads on the Command Level floor. Likewise, make sure to complete the Secondary Objectives, as this will get you a few Datapads that are otherwise not visible on the map.
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All 120 Pioneer Station Material Locations in Aliens: Dark Descent
All Material locations have been marked with green arrows on the maps below. You can return to Pioneer Station on another mission, so don’t worry if you don’t collect all 120 Material during your first deployment.
Author’s Note: During the Customs Seizure secondary objective, you will loot three Materials crates which will net you 100 Materials. These count towards the collectible tracker and must be obtained to collect the full 120 Materials needed. Otherwise, you will only find 90 Materials on the map itself. Again, the three Materials crates you find during the Customs Seizure are not marked on the maps below.
All 50 Docking Bay Materials Locations

You will find 50 Materials on the Docking Bay floor.
All 20 Headquarters Materials Locations

You will find 20 Materials on the Headquarters floor.
All 20 Materials Locations on the Command Level floor.

You will find 20 Materials on the Command Level floor.
Pioneer Station Xenotech Blueprint Location in Aliens: Dark Descent

There is only one Xenotech Blueprint on Pioneer Station, and you will obtain it during your first deployment as part of completing the primary objective for the mission. More details on that are below.
Where to Find the Anti-Acid Gel Xenotech Blueprint

You will find the Anti-Acide Gel Xenotech Blueprint after killing the Xenomorph queen before you reach the Cerberus terminal on the Command Level. Unlike the Berkely’s Dock mission, you must kill this Xenomorph queen to progress the objective, making this Xenotech Blueprint unmissable. The location of the Xenomorph Queen has been marked with an orange arrow. The Anti-Acid Gel ignores the damage done to Armor by Acid Burst attacks.
Published: Jun 23, 2023 5:24 AM UTC