Pixelmon is a popular mod for Minecraft that allows players to bring Pokemon into the game. There are a lot of commands players can use in this mod that can help with hatching eggs, healing party members, showing stats, and more.
All Commands for Pixelmon in Minecraft
Below are all the known commands for Pixelmon that can help make your experience more manageable and make you a better Pokemon trainer in Minecraft. First, we will discuss all of the Pixelmon mods and what they do, and then later, we will cover the Even More Pixelmon commands. “Even More Pixelmon” is a plugin for the Pixelmon mod.
When a command says Player, Breed, Pokemon, etc, you will input the name. For example, say you want to heal a player’s Pokemon with the command /pokeheal [player]. You will enter the player’s username inside the brackets for it to work.
Command | Effect |
/breed <player> <slot 1> <slot 2> | Grants the player with an egg for the specific Pokemon. |
/breed <player> | Breeds two Pokemon in the player’s party and rewards an egg. |
/checkSpawns [specific | type] | Shows the chance of Pokemon spawning in the player’s current location. |
/dynamaxband <player> | Rewards the player with a Dynamax Band. |
/endbattle [player] | Ends a battle the player is fighting. |
/freeze | Toggles movement for all Pokemon in the world. |
/givemoney <player> <amount> | Gives the specified player a certain amount of Pokedollars. Input a negative value to take money from the player. |
/givepixelsprite (player) <Pokémon> | Allows players to give another player a photo of the specified Pokemon. |
/legendaryspawn | Spawns a legendary Pokemon near the player. This command doesn’t always work. |
/megaring <player> | Gives the player a Mega Ring. |
| |
/pokebattle <player 1> <player 2> | Forces a battle between the two specified players. |
/pokebattle2 <player> <player | Pokémon> <player | Pokémon> <player | Pokémon | NPC Trainer> | Starts a double battle. Any Pokemon used in the command will be leveled equal to the highest level Pokemon of the person who used the command. |
/pokegive <player> <Pokémon | random> [arguments] | Puts the specified Pokemon into a players party. |
/pokeheal [player] | Heals the player’s Pokemon. Don’t input a player name to heal yourself. |
/pokereload | Reloads the date from the shopkeeper and NPC external JSON files without restarting the server. |
/pokesave < all | flush | player> | Forces a save of the specified player’s Pokemon. |
/pokespawn <Pokémon | random> [arguments] | Spawns the specified Pokemon. |
/pokestats <player> | Shows the win/loss ratio of the specified player. |
/printstore | Logs brief descriptions of all currently loaded player Pokemon storage data. |
/psnapshot read <file name> | Loads a set of blocks previously saved to a file by / snapshot save. |
| |
/psnapshot set | Sets a corner of the area to save at the player’s location. |
/psnapshot save <file name> | Saves the blocks in the area defined by the two previously set corners. |
/psnapshot place | Copies the previously saved blocks and places them where the player is located. |
/psnapshot convert <file name> | Converts a snapshot created in version 1.8.9 and below to be compatible with version 1.10.2. |
/redeem <fedora | fez | tophat> | Redeem exclusive hat. |
/redeem trainerhat [<red> <green> <blue>] | Redeem a Trainer hat through a linked Minecraft account. |
/redeem <slot> | Redeem a special texture for specified Pokemon. |
/redeem toggle <sash | robe | monocle | hat> | Toggle stash, robe, monocle, or hat. |
/reloadquests | Reloads all available External JSON files for quests. |
/resetpokestats <player> | Resets specified player’s wins and losses to 0. |
/setparty <level> [moves] | Makes all Pokemon in the player’s party to the level you input. Add moves to allow you to choose four moves from each Pokemon’s move pool. |
/setstage <quest> <stage> [player] | Sets the player to the stage number of the specified quest. |
/spectate [player] | Spectate the battle of the player. |
/struc <structure> | [<level>] | list | Spawns a specific structure near the player. Will spawn a random structure if no structure is specified. If list argument is used, command instead list all the structures that can be spawned. |
/teach [player] [position] <move> | Allows the Pokemon in the specified position to learn the move that you input. Don’t input a player name for this command to work on yourself. |
/transfer <player> <amount> | Transfers a certain amount of Pokedollars to the player. |
/unlock <player> | Unlocks any Pokemon owned by the specified player that are locked by a ranch block. |
/warpplate set <x> <y> <z> | Sets the warp plate the player is standing on to go to the coordinates that are inserted. |
Related: Minecraft 1.20 Ore Distribution: Best Y-Levels for All Ores
Even More Pixelmon Commands
Players can access even more commands when they add the plugin Even More Pixelmon. Here are all the commands for the plugin.
Command | Effect |
/checkevs <Pokémon name or number> [-c] | Causes a list of the EVs provided from defeating the specific Pokemon. |
/checkstats OR /cs [target] [slot] [-c] | Shows the Pokemon’s information and stats. |
/checktypes OR /type <Pokémon name or number> [-c] | Shows all Pokemon resistances, weakness, immunities, and abilities. |
/evenmorepixelmoncommands OR /empc | Shows all accessible commands. |
/fixgenders [target] [-c] | Changes a Pokemon to the specified gender. |
/partyhatch [target] [-c] | Hatches the entire party. |
/partyheal [target] [-c] | Heals the entire party. |
/randomtm [target] [-a] | Gives the target a random TM. |
/resetdex <target> [-c] | Resets player’s Pokedex to zero. |
/resetevs <slot> [-c] | Resets all Pokemon’s EVs to zero. |
/showstats OR /show <slot> [-c] | Displays Pokemon’s stats to the server. |
/spawndex <Pokémon name or number> [-f|-o|-r|-s] [radius] | Spawns certain Pokemon to your mouse cursor. -f argument broadcasts a fake spawning message. -o argument the spawn an outline. -r argument spawns in a random location. -s argument makes the spawn shiny. |
/switchgender OR /bend <slot> [-c] | Changes Pokemon to the opposite gender of what it is currently. |
/timedhatch [target] <slot> [-c] | Hatches one Pokemon. |
/timedheal [target] <slot> [-c] | Heals one Pokemon. |
How to Use Commands in Pixelmon
Players can easily input commands by pressing the keyboard’s ~ (tilde) key. Doing so will bring up the command center, where you can input any of the commands mentioned in this guide. Once you enter the command, press enter to activate it. It’s important to remember that commands will only work if you are on a server that supports them.
Published: Nov 22, 2023 03:20 pm