Tom Clancy’s The Division is the latest to take on the massively multiplayer online shooter genre, but rather than split the cooperative and competitive gameplay into two separate game modes, The Division chose to keep them contained within the same map. The competitive side comes within what is known as the Dark Zone, so we wanted to let you know just how to get there.
Before even thinking of entering the Dark Zone, you want to play through the game and get leveled up with plenty of solid gear. The Dark Zone is going to be a brutal change from what you expect anywhere else in the game, as players will see you as an easy target otherwise.
After preparing yourself, it’s time to actually find a way into the Dark Zone. First of all, pull up your map and look for the area that is marked in red. That is the Dark Zone itself, but it’s not just as easy as going over to that area and walking over an imaginary line.
Instead, you need to enter to specified doors on the outside of the Dark Zone that will serve as security checkpoints, which are marked in purple on your map. That is not the only way in though, as you can also climb over walls also to get into the competitive area.
Now that you are in the Dark Zone, be very careful as you are an open target for anyone, so always be ready as soon as you get inside.
Published: Mar 15, 2016 12:00 PM UTC