This month in Pokémon‘s Legendary Year, the Generation III Legendaries Latias and Latios are available via Mystery Gift for Pokémon Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon players. In the United States, players will be able to get a Mystery Gift code from Best Buy stores from tomorrow, September 2, through September 29. Once you receive your code, follow the following directions to receive Latias or Latios:
- Start up your Sun, Ultra Sun, Moon, or Ultra Moon game and select “Mystery Gift” from the main menu instead of “Continue.”
- From the Mystery Gift menu, select “Receive Gift.”
- Select “Get with Code/Password,” then, when asked about connecting to the internet, select “Yes” and then “Yes” again.
- Enter the code you received from Best Buy.
- Your game will receive Latias or Latios.
- Now “Continue” your game and talk to the delivery man in the orange and blue shirt, who you can find in any Pokémon Center. He will give you your Latias or Latios.
Players in Europe or the Oceania region won’t receive their Legendary through a code, but rather can get it via wi-fi from today (September 1) to September 23. To receive Latias or Latios via Mystery Gift wi-fi, follow the following steps:
- Start up your Sun, Ultra Sun, Moon, or Ultra Moon game and select “Mystery Gift” from the main menu instead of “Continue.”
- From the Mystery Gift menu, select “Receive Gift.”
- Select “Get via Internet,” then, when asked about connecting to the internet, select “Yes.”
- Your game will receive Latias or Latios.
- Now “Continue” your game and talk to the delivery man in the orange and blue shirt, who you can find in any Pokémon Center. He will give you your Latias or Latios.
If you live in a different region, you can find out whether you need a Mystery Gift code, and how to receive that code, or if you can receive Latias/Latios through Mystery Gift wi-fi by visiting and clicking on September Distribution. Once you know whether you need a code or just need wi-fi, refer to the above directions to determine exactly how to receive your Legendary. If you need a code, refer to the first set of instructions above. If you just need wi-fi, refer to the second set of instructions above.
Those playing Pokémon Sun will receive a Level 60 Latias that knows Mist Ball, Dragon Pulse, Psycho Shift, and Wish, while Ultra Sun players will receive a Level 100 Latias that is holding a Gold Bottle Cap and knows Mist Ball, Psychic, Draco Meteor, and Tailwind. Meanwhile, Moon players will receive a Level 60 Latios that knows Luster Purge, Dragon Pulse, Psycho Shift, and Dragon Breath, and Ultra Moon players will receive a Level 100 Latios that is holding a Gold Bottle Cap and knows Luster Purse, Psychic, Draco Meteor, and Tailwind.
Published: Sep 2, 2018 12:05 AM UTC