The Fast and the Cleanest is an achievement in House Flipper 2 that requires you to complete a job in less than 5 minutes. As you might expect, this is a challenging achievement to unlock.
However, there’s a way to make this one of the easiest achievements to unlock, and we are about to share this method with you.
How to Finish a Job in Less Than 5 Minutes in House Flipper 2
The simplest way to finish a job in less than 5 minutes is to choose a job that you have already completed and know very well, then try to finish it again as quickly as possible. Having many perks will undoubtedly make the task easier, but they aren’t necessary. With a smart approach, you can complete it without any perks. If you’re smart about it, you can get it done without any perks.

Related: How to Get 3 Stars in All Jobs in House Flipper 3
I went for the first job in the game. Start by quickly cleaning the outside, collect the trash, and then clean the area near the window. Enter the house, move to the left, clean the windows, and then proceed to the back of the house. With that out of the way, move to the area between the corridor and the bathroom. Just follow the gold coins and clean all the stains and windows as quickly as you can. Make sure to use your Flipper Vision often. You don’t want to miss any dirty spots.

Once you receive the message that the job is finished, confirm it. Avoid looking for additional stains, don’t search for another dirty window, and don’t collect any more trash. Just press the buttons to end this job so you can get it done in under five minutes. Remember, it’s not about getting 1 star in less than 5 minutes, so don’t extend your time for a couple more bucks and you will have unlocked The Fast and the Cleanest.
Published: Dec 14, 2023 01:16 pm