The Yakuza series, now known as Like a Dragon, is continuing the story of fan-favorite character Kiryu. In Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name, this iconic ex-Yakuza faces criminals in Japan after erasing his identity. The game was teased before at the RGG Summit, but thanks to the recent Summer Game Fest, fans now know the release date of Like a Dragon Gaiden — and it’s not too far away.
Like a Dragon Gaiden — Release Date and Trailer for The Man Who Erased His Name
This spin-off of the popular Yakuza titles is set to release on November 9th, 2023. The game will release on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Die-hard fans will also get access to the bonus “Legendary Fighter Pack” DLC involving recurring characters Daigo, Majima, and Saejima. What exactly this DLC provides is currently unknown, but long-time fans are sure to find worth in it.
In Like a Dragon: Gaiden, players will discover the story of Kiryu after Yakuza 6. While travelling through familiar locales, they’ll be forced to fight against hordes of enemies using new abilities and styles. The game retains the classic beat-em-up combat found before Yakuza: Like a Dragon alongside Heat Actions and other familiar features. Further information has yet to be fully shared, but fans can expect more details as the game nears its release in just 5 months.
Related: Yakuza 8: Info We Have for ‘Like a Dragon’ Sequel
This game will feature an entirely new story that’s connected to the mainline games. Those interested in the franchise’s lore might not be able to skip this title as easily as they might have done with certain other spinoffs. The game will provide greater context to the eventual 8th mainline title, so be sure to check it out if you’re curious about Kiryu’s whereabouts up until then!
Published: Jun 8, 2023 03:47 pm