There are so many ways to take out monsters in Monster Hunter Generations. You, and some of your friends, can take them head on, whacking away at them, hoping they succumb to your attacks. Or you can get creative. There’s a lot of ways to do this, but one of the most enjoyable is to mount them. It’s actually pretty simple, once you know the tricks, so we’re gonna give you a quick, simple guide on how to mount monsters in Monster Hunter Generations.
The whole trick on how to mount monsters is to just get above them. No matter what method you use, you want to land on top of them from either higher ground, or from a leap through the air. If you utilize the map correctly, pushing the monster into specific corners or spots near cliffs, you can just jump down on them from above. Or, if you have a jumping attack you can just use it, as long as it gets you high enough to trigger the mounting mini-game.
Monster Hunter Generations adds some additional options though, with the leaping attacks of the aerial Hunter Style allowing you to jump into the air and onto the monster without the need for a cliff. This might take some work, so just get used to how the aerial attack works, and use it to land on the back of the monster you are trying to mount. There are also items that can be used, such as the the Insect Staff, which lets you pole vault through the air and onto their back.
Once on their back the real tough part begins. You can just wail away, hitting them with your weapon to cause damage, but you really want to fill up the gauge that has appeared on your screen. There will be a progressing bar and a monster head. Your goal is to prevent the monster head from reaching the end of the blue before the bar is full.
When the monster head is green you can just keep hitting him. If it switches to red, it means he is about to try to buck you off. You need to hold the R button to latch on, turning the head yellow. Hold it down, withstanding the jumps, and wait for it to turn green again. Once it does you can resume your attacks. Once the bar fills up the monster will be stunned, leaving him open to you and your teammates multiple attacks.
And that’s pretty much it for how to mount monsters in Monster Hunter Generations. I left things pretty vague so you can try to work out your own strategy for yourself. Just keep in mind these simple guidelines and you should be destroying monsters left and right.
Published: Jul 11, 2016 3:45 PM UTC