Update 1.0.5 has arrived for New World, and here’s the full list of changes and fixes added with this patch. New World players have been experiencing all kinds of trouble since its launch back in September. From players exploiting the banning system to extremely long waiting times to get into their servers. Players are still coming back to the Amazon Game Studio’s game. Since its release, many bug fixes and improvements have been made, and in this update, they keep coming. Here’s everything new with New World update 1.0.5.
New World Update 1.0.5 Patch Notes
Greetings, Adventurers! This week’s update introduces more general changes and bug fixes. We’d like to thank you for your patience as our team continues to resolve issues and for your continued reports on our official forums. You can find a full list of changes and fixes below.
We know many of you have seen the pesky chat messages from players spamming messages, and we’re continuing to investigate solutions to this issue. We discovered that many coin sellers were creating new characters and transferring money to other accounts. To combat this, we’ve:
- Banned and suspended many of the reported accounts. Thank you for your reports for players spamming chat.
- Added restrictions to prevent player-to-player trading and currency transfer from characters under level 10, or whose account is less than 72 hours old.
- Logging in after your account is 72 hours old will enable your ability to trade and transfer currency once you’ve hit level 10.
- Redistributed coin value from some early quests to later in the Main Story questline, keeping the total amounts of coin earned the same, just delivered in quests slightly later.
- Trading Post usage will be restricted until new characters accept the “Introduction to Trading Post” quest in their first settlement.
We will monitor the impact this has on bots and the game’s health and continue to adjust as necessary.
- Fixed a bug where players were able to duplicate items via storage sheds and crafting stations.
- We fixed the issue of gold duplicating on territory projects we introduced by disabling trading and made sure it would not occur in the future should we need to disable trading again.
- Life Staff: Orb of Protection
- Removed the small area of effects (AoE) that were triggering on passthrough from every hit of the base version of Orb of protection.
- AoE no longer triggers on passthrough from the Aegis upgrade, it will only trigger on impact against an enemy/object now.
- Reduced attribute respec coin cost by 60%.
- Reduced weapon mastery respec Azoth cost by 75%.
- Reduced coin cost of chisels by 20-50% depending on tier.
- To encourage competition in Outpost Rush, we’ve slightly reduced the Coin and Azoth rewards for the losing team.
- We have surfaced the War conflict progress bars on the map and the Faction Board when there is an upcoming Invasion, as you can still gain War conflict for your Faction.
- Identical Weapon Equipping: Players can no longer equip the same weapon type in both weapon slots. We want each weapon slot to have a different weapon type to open up combat diversity. This change also addresses issues that could occur when swapping between weapons of the same type.
- Group Scaling Passives: Fixed issues which could cause passive effects that scaled on the number of nearby foes, such as Bloodlust (Great Axe). Against All Odds (Hatchet), and Outnumbered (Warhammer), to apply incorrectly.
- Spell Strike Consistency: Fixed issues which caused several magic spells, such as Ice Storm and Gravity Well, to not hit consistently.
- Resilient (Item Perk): Fixed an issue that caused this perk to reduce all damage instead of just damage from critical hits.
- PvP Flagging: Fixed an issue that allowed PVP and PVE players to heal each other.
- Fixed an issue that was allowing players to get out of the starting Fort before the match starts.
- We now prevent multiple players from interacting with the Altar in Outpost Rush. This will prevent players from getting multiple summon tokens per 500 azoth.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the nameplates of summoned allies to appear hostile.
- Fixed an issue that was causing Battle Bread (the food buff in Outpost Rush) to be twice as effective as intended.
- Updated the tooltip for Battle Bread and Monster Slayer’s Stew to properly describe the buffs they provide.
- Fixed an issue that could cause players to become stuck in a teleport loop if they teleported out of Outpost Rush while using /unstuck.
- Fixed an issue that prevented some people from joining Outpost Rush because they had a pending group invite.
- Repair kits should no longer require Coin to use.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused players to use the wrong consumable when using consumables from the inventory screen.
- Fixed various issues with Invasion status showing before the Invasion was declared.
- Updated missing English text for on-login pop-up explaining housing tax compensation.
- Fixed an issue allowing magic weapons to animation cancel their primary attacks with weapon swap or targeting spells, causing the rate of fire to be faster than intended.
- Fixed an issue that caused Ice Gauntlet to upgrade Pylon Dodge to only work immediately after you placed the Ice Pylon.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a player to lose their house while offline during maintenance. In a future update, we will be reimbursing the players who encountered this issue. Exact details around the reimbursement will be in the corresponding update notes.
- Fixed an issue with enemy AI duplicating and stacking spawns during the quest “Shivering Timbers”.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to initiate a server transfer if they were in the tutorial.
- Fixed an issue causing the Trading Post to become unresponsive or delayed.
- Improved server performance when a large number of players congregate in settlements.
- Fixed an issue that caused some territory influence to not be properly recognized when many players simultaneously turned in PvP missions.
- Fixed an issue causing some player titles to show as <uninitialized>.
- Fixed an issue where players could become stuck while fishing with lag.
- Fixed the UI notification for landing in a hot spot while fishing.
- Fixed a localization issue where bonus crafting percentages for tools were displaying as 0% for non-English languages.
- Fixed the time in Europe to properly account for the change from CEST to CET.
- Fixed an issue preventing gear score to increase past 589 from drop rewards.
The fixes listed below are tentative fixes and mitigations. Our goal is to get these changes out and see if issues persist, so we can continue to work on them and address them in a future update if necessary.
- Implemented a change to help us dig into the “timed out while waiting for the server to describe the world” issue, and added a fix to reduce occurrences of this issue while we continue to investigate.
From combat changes to fixing issues regarding players losing their houses after server maintenance. This patch tweaked many game mechanics and managed to fix several issues that caused many problems to players. One of the most impactful changes regarding the PvP and PvE gameplay is going to be the fact players won’t be able to equip weapons of the same class. Promoting a diverse combat style, making players meditate on what weapon combination they should keep and use. If you missed the last update, you should go to our article about update 1.0.3.
New World is available now on PC. For more information regarding this update, go to the official New World website and get all the details.
Published: Nov 4, 2021 3:29 PM UTC