Update 1.86 has arrived for Rogue Company, and here’s a list with all the changes and fixes added with this patch. The Rogue Company developers went all out with this patch. Update 1.86 came with a new rogue called Umbra; this new agent will mix up the gameplay in the next matches. Besides this new playable character, the patch managed to do many changes to the game’s weapons and more. Here’s everything new with Rogue Company update 1.86.
Rogue Company Update 1.86 Patch Notes
Umbra is a high-ranking Jackal assassin and a true believer of the Jackal cause. After a mission against Rogue Company went sideways, he was left for dead. Thanks to numerous cybernetic implants from Jackal, he was reborn, more zealous, and committed than ever before.
- Weapons: DMRs and SMGs
- Starting Weapons: Bishop and LMP-X
- Secondary: Executioner
- Melee (New): Combat Knife
- Gadget: Bounce Grenade, Smoke Grenade
- a-RC-nid – A remote-controlled drone, with the appearance of a spider, used to seek out enemies and detonate near them, causing significant area damage.
- Siphon – Gain maximum health when you earn a down, eliminate, or assist on an enemy.
- Berserker
- Hunter – NEW PERK: Detect the fresh footprints of walking or sprinting enemies.
- Padded Steps
- Stalker
- Replenish
- Life Drain
Winter is coming in Rogue Company, and there may be a chill in the air, but you’ll be able to heat things up with new bundles and event contracts you can complete to celebrate.
Outfits and Bundles
- Snow Patrol Scorch
- Snow Patrol Scorch Skin
- Deadly Resolutions Primary, Secondary, and Melee Wrap
- Red-Nosed Wingsuit
- Mistletoe Vy
- Mistletoe Vy Skin
- Gift Wrapped Primary, Secondary, and Melee Wrap
- Rudolph’s Replacement Hoverboard
- Doctor Frosty Saint (Free with purchase of other two bundles)
- Doctor Frosty Saint
- Grandma’s Present Primary, Secondary, and Melee Wrap
- ‘Nade Nog Banner
- Contract 1
- Gunner Gumdrops Avatar
- Sharp Chills Border
- Contract 2
- Slay Bells Animated Banner
- Holly Jolly Napalm
- Contract 3
- Santa Strut Emote
- Dr. Frosty Title
NEW LTM: Battle Zone
Two teams fight to be the last one standing in the Battle Zone! The Safe Zone starts large and will get smaller as the round progresses. Be careful, however, because you will begin to take damage if you step outside of it. This mode also features a new shop, no health regeneration, and weapon crates at various map locations.
Main Rules
- This is a 4v4 team-based mode where each player only has one life and a best of 7.
- Each round, you will have a baseline of cash plus what was earned from eliminations, downs, assists, and revives. Your cash does not carry over from round to round (no saving!).
- You will start with a Secondary weapon, but you can find weapon crates in various map locations containing Primary weapons.
- Purchased gadgets will not carry over from round to round (use it or lose it!), but Perks will be permanent for the entire match.
- Your base health is 125, but there is no auto regeneration.
- Mythic crates have a chance to spawn each round.
- You will see mythic crates on the map and the minimap when they spawn.
- This may happen when the first circle draws or after the first 30-second timer.
- You are now able to ping weapons.
UI Rarity
- You will now see a rarity color of the weapon or armor you have in your HUD.
- You will also see the rarity of the weapon you currently have equipped.
- There is no limit to how many perks you can purchase, and they last the entire match.
- Available Perks
- Stalker: Removes aim down sights movement speed penalty.
- Quick Hands: Increase weapon swap speed, reload speed and reload while sprinting.
- Padded Steps: Silence the sound of your footsteps when not sprinting.
- Lifeline: Increase the revive speed by 50%.
- Ghost: Immune to all reveals.
- Headstrong: Gain 25 armor.
- Restock: Eliminations restore ammo and drop a supply kit.
- Tracker: See enemy footprints and reveal enemies when you shoot them.
- Blaster: Increase explosive damage by 50%.
- Tenacity: Reduce explosive damage by 40%.
- Crackshot: Increase headshot damage by 30%.
- Bulletproof: Reduce firearm[ body damage by 20%.
Consumable Gadgets
- You can only carry 2 different gadgets into each round.
- All gadgets are consumable and will not carry over from round to round.
- Most gadgets have an upgrade that will give a greater number of that gadget.
All Armor is repairable.
- Rare (Blue): 25 armor
- Epic (Purple): 50 armor
- Legendary (Gold): 75 armor
- Mythic (Orange): 100 armor
- The ability now recharges every 35 seconds.
- Two barricades can now be placed.
With Saint now having Lifeline and drone flight speed increased, we think he will be completing many more revives than before. As such, we’re slightly reducing the flat heal given to Saint and his teammates when completing a revive.
- Drone now travels to downed teammates 50% faster.
- Saint’s passive heal on reviving now heals for 60 instead of 80 health.
The Fixer
- Ability duration increased from 6 to 10 seconds.
- Increased the heat signature of enemies, allowing you to see them behind cover.
- Improved Bow radius revealed from 8 to 10 meters.
We feel the KA30 is a bit too stable, especially when upgraded, for the amount of damage and versatility it offers.
- Increased recoil
- Nerf recoil reduction upgrade
LR15 Fullbody
- Headshot damage increased from 140 to 150.
- Body damage increased from 70 to 80.
- Clip size increased from 9 to 12.
- Body damage increased from 21 to 22
- Head damage increased from 30 to 32
- Damage Falloff adjusted
The HRM 30k is tuned to be a headshot gun through and through. We want to make sure players aren’t fighting against too much reticle bloom when they’re expecting to hit headshots, so we’re making the weapon bloom a bit less at the base and moving the bloom reduction upgrade to allow for faster access in your build. We feel bullet penetration is too niche of an upgrade for a weapon already niche in other ways. It is the only assault rifle without a magazine size upgrade on top of having the smallest magazine size in class. We believe subbing in a smaller mag size upgrade instead of bullet penetration will feel more worth purchasing.
- Level 1 upgrade no longer provides bullet penetration.
- Level 1 upgrade now reduces reticle bloom.
- Level 2 upgrade no longer provides reticle bloom reduction.
- Level 2 upgrade now increases magazine size from 20 to 30
- Reduced base reticle bloom
A3 Salvo
- Base Range increased 2m
- Final Falloff range increased 2m
- Improved Aim Over Shoulder Accuracy
Tear Gas
- Slow increased to 25%
- The distortion effect increased by 15%
- Fuse timer reduced from 1.75 to 1.5s.
- Removed a cardboard box that would pop a player head out of cover.
- Players can now stand on the concrete tree.
- Fixed an issue with the “Good Company” achievement that prevented it from being completed.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to disconnect from the game on the Match Victory screen.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Nova Weapon Wrap to create audio distortion in matches.
- Fixed an issue that made all outfits have poor visual fidelity.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the party count to update when creating a party in the main lobby.
- Fixed camera clipping issues on the Wanted map.
- Fixed an issue with the Custom Lobby no longer displaying the selected map.
- Fixed an issue where hit SFX would not play when hitting a player with an explosive if the target player had Tenacity.
- Fixed an issue where smaller grenades would appear to float in the player’s hands.
- Fixed an issue where a reconnecting player occasionally had the incorrect Rogue portrait.
- Fixed an issue with the Dima Heist skin’s cash clipping through the top flap.
- Fixed an issue in the tutorial that prevented players from dodge-rolling under a falling barrier.
- Fixed an issue with the description for the MLX Mark 4 Labyrinth weapon wrap.
- Fixed an issue with aim assist when targeting players that were peeking from behind cover.
- Fixed an issue that caused sprint to break when dodge rolling out of aiming down sights.
- Fixed an issue that caused the “Down 10 Enemies” milestone to not track correctly when hit by an ability or gadget.
- Fixed an issue that caused Nemesis Dahlia’s Ability VO to play very loudly.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Jump O’ Lantern Wingsuit to lack its face.
- Fixed an issue with the Windmill Shake emote audio persisting between rounds.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Digital Snow Hoverboard to display the incorrect rarity.
- Fixed an issue on Wanted that caused players to get stuck on a gate.
- Fixed an issue in Wingman that caused capture point progress to fail to display.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to lose postmatch score information if they disconnected in a match.
- Fixed an issue where emotes would display for the wrong Rogue when selecting an emote on the Main Menu.
- Fixed an issue that caused Ronin to perform a crouch-walk animation when dodge rolling while reclaiming her ability knife.
- Fixed an issue that caused Account Boosts to display a “31 minutes” duration after activating a 30-minute Account Boost.
- Fixed an issue that caused players using a controller to be unable to navigate to the Sprays tab when hovering over emotes they do not own.
- [Xbox One] Fixed an issue that caused players to be unable to skip the cinematic when launching Rogue Company without signing into a profile.
- [Nintendo Switch] Fixed an issue with Cyber Skunk Gl1tch displaying incorrectly.
Weapon balances were not the only thing done in this patch. Map changes and rogue tweaks were also performed. Rogues like Anvil, Seeker, and Saint received a couple of changes so you may have to play around with them to adjust to said changes. A lot of fixes were also performed, fixing sound effects, weapon models, and even aim-assist.
Rogue Company is available on PC, PS 4/5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, and Nintendo Switch. For more information regarding this update, go to the official Rogue Company website.
Published: Dec 14, 2021 5:20 PM UTC