Valheim presented us with a good number of different creatures, both bad and good. The sneaky Greydwarf is one of those peculiar monsters, which is not hard to tackle by any means, but quite annoying when found in packs. If killed, they drop a good amount of stones, wood, resin and unique items that are needed to summon a certain Boss of the game. Therefore, farming them for a fair bit is essential if you do want to summon that enemy. Here is how you can do exactly that, without any trouble at all.
How to infinitely farm Greydwarves.
While you can find them randomly in the world, there is a certain ‘nest-like’ object that can appear, that keeps spawning a lot of them. It has a purple-ish glow and is idle at one place, summoning a constant wave of these creatures. As you would, killing them all is a nice source of the materials we mentioned previously, so take them out right away. Although, you need to avoid destroying that spawner.
After you kill all of the Greydwarves, just wait for some new ones to come out. Keep killing them by repeating the process. It seems that the hordes of enemies this stationary ‘thing’ produces, are endless, and if you find one you can farm in theory as many as you’d like of them. As long as the nest remains intact, you have an infinite source of Greydwarves. Unfortunately, it is not clear if the nest appears only in certain places or just randomly through the world, so stay tuned for any updates on this. Have fun farming!
Valheim is now in Early Access, through Steam.
Published: Feb 8, 2021 4:43 PM UTC