People that pre-order DOOM on the Xbox One store will be getting backwards compatible versions of the first two games in the series for free. initially posted this listing, but it has since been deleted. Game Informer however captured a screenshot confirming that the first two Doom games will be backwards compatible in the near future.
The listing said: “For a limited time, pre-order DOOM and receive Doom 1 and Doom II. The codes will be delivered to your Xbox message center in 7-10 days. You can redeem your code on Xbox One or at” is not ready to take pre-orders for the game yet, which is why the listing has since been deleted. The game doesn’t come out until May 13th, 2016 so it was put up way too early. Pre-orders for the new DOOM game should become available closer to the release date.
Backwards compatibility has been very kind for Xbox One gamers that pre-order their games digitally. Fallout 4 owners were treated to a free copy of Fallout 3 while those that pre-ordered Dark Souls 3 are getting a copy of the first Dark Souls game.
Published: Feb 23, 2016 05:00 am