iD Software is aiming for 1080p and 60fps on all platforms for its DOOM reboot that will be coming out in Spring 2016.
As reported by Gamer Center Online, id Software executive producer, Marty Stratton, talked more about DOOM on the Bethesda E3 post show.
Stratton said that iD Software are pushed to evolve and they are aiming for 1080p and 60fps on all platforms that DOOM is coming out on. This includes the PC, PS4 and Xbox One.
It will be a great achievement if DOOM is 1080p and 60fps for everyone. It’s no doubt that the PC version will be able to hit this benchmark.
For the PS4 and Xbox One versions of DOOM to be 1080p and 60fps is still up in the air. It is possible, although other developers have opted for 1080p and 30fps. Others drop the 1080p in favor for 60fps. It’s not impossible, but not every developer has done it.
Hopefully DOOM is 1080p and 60fps on every platform so this will make people online less nasty to one another…
Published: Jun 14, 2015 10:53 pm