In case you haven’t gotten the message, The Elder Scrolls Online is an MMO. That means it’s not going to be like the previous Elder Scrolls games, although it’s set in the same universe. With the wild success of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Bethesda is making sure they distinguish the two games, so that fans don’t get confused about what they are settling in for.
In a recent interview with Edge Magazine, The Elder Scrolls Online developers explain that they are not making Skyrim 2.
We’re making an Elder Scrolls game, but we’re not making Skyrim 2
“We’re making an Elder Scrolls game, but we’re not making Skyrim 2. So I think the Skyrim guys had that same problem when they went from Oblivion to Skyrim… We’re not trying to top Skyrim. It’s a fantastic game – if you wanted to play Skyrim, go play Skyrim, right?”
Zenimax Online is handling the development duties for The Elder Scrolls Online. Expected to be out in full force at E3 2013, The Elder Scrolls Online will compliment Bethesda’s other recent announcements of their new Wolfenstein Game and The Evil Within. Bethesda Game Studios, the developers behind TESV, had recently explained to fans that they have moved on from Skyrim to their next big project.
Published: May 8, 2013 10:00 am