This is a weekly series called “Free to Play Friday.” You can check out last week’s here. Gaming is fun and, sometimes, you need to pay a lot of money to have that fun. What if you could get that same fun for free? AotF is here to help!
So, I’ve realized something about my previous Free to Play Friday posts. They both required you to download something before you could even start having fun and sometimes, especially if your internet isn’t exactly sterling, could take a while and suck the fun out of a game before you even start playing it. Well, I have a solution for those of you who would want something to do in the meantime: Kongregate.
No, I’m not telling you all to congregate together and have a party or something (but you may do so, if you so wish). Kongregate is an online browser games hosting website that is not all that different from websites like Miniclip or Armor Games, except for one thing: Achievements.
That’s right, one of the unique things about Kongregate is that a large portion of the games they host, they have achievements which you can, well, achieve by just playing the game and fulfilling the achievements parameter. I’m pretty nutty about achievements in general, except for the Steam ones for some bizarre reason, so Kongregate is like a breath of fresh air in the PC gaming world when it comes to achievements.
Few games have more than 4 achievements and some of the achievements can be stupidly hard. And yes, to begin achieving, you will need to create an account with Kongregate and yes, it’s possible to “buy” your achievements in games that support it by buying the Kongregate currency and buying boosts or bonuses that help you win better, but I have yet to find a single game that requires money for the achievement.
To get you started on your Kongregate adventure, I will just list out 3 of the best games I’ve played on Kongregate (I may decide to throw out a few more in the future) and you can always try to find me on Kongregate:
Achievement Unlocked Series
This series is just brilliant. You can find the first one here. It’s comedic, it’s fun and there are achievements, WITHIN achievements. Achieve-ception if you will. Quite a great way to spend a few minutes of semi-mindless fun! Also you are an elephant.
Bloons TD Series
If you’ve ever played games on the internet, you’ve probably heard of Bloons in some shape or form. Bloons TD 5 is the culmination of everything that makes Bloons brilliant. There are others too, but by virtue of being the newest, Bloons TD 5 is the best one and a must play.
You will be hard pressed to find a trippier game than simian.interface. It’s also extremely fun and won’t take up more than 15 minutes of your time. You may have to use your brain, but apparently a monkey can do this, you’re better than a monkey right (well it is a computer monkey…).
And there you have it. Kongregate and 3 games that are fun. All free and playable in your browser! You can even find me on Kongregate if you wish! Happy achieving!
Are you going to try out Kongregate or the games Danny listed? Did you have fun? Why or why not? Leave a comment below!
Published: Sep 13, 2013 01:00 pm