Today marks the start of the Destiny Beta on PlayStation, and it appears that both the PlayStation Network and Bungie are under heavy load for those looking to access the game. The PlayStation Network is currently “intermittently available” and many users are reporting sluggish download speeds and the inability to connect to online network.
On Bungie’s side of things, the developers say that they are “experiencing heavy traffic,” claiming that beta codes will be emailed to users “shortly” via Twitter.
Though even when the codes do arrive for the majority of users, if the PlayStation Network is still seeing heavy traffic it could get worse before it gets better. It wouldn’t be the first time that heavy traffic has crippled a mass beta for a game on the first day. There are likely millions looking to jump in and check out Destiny for the first time.
The good news is that the PlayStation beta for Destiny will last for 10 days. Between now and July 26th, pre-order customers on the PlayStation 3 and 4 will be able to jump in and test drive Bungie’s latest. Xbox owners will get their crack at the beta on July 23rd – 26th.
Published: Jul 17, 2014 12:30 pm