Wildstar is quickly becoming quite the popular MMORPG. Be it for it’s great looking artwork, or easy to pick up nature and fun story. The promised addition of new content every month is quite a feat. This month’s content is called The Strain.
Deep beneath the planet Nexus there lives something evil. We get to see that in the upcoming content update titled ‘The Strain’, which looks to add a bevy of content to the game.
- New Zone, Blighthaven: a massive new zone that includes Cankertube swamp and the gastrointestinal terrors of the Globellum!
- New solo content: a new group event like a tower defense game (Guardians of the Grove) and a dungeon-like area for group combat called The Nursery that includes a Boss fight against the Strain-corrupted Elyona the Mad.
- Players will also unlock new Strain-themed gear, housing items, costumes and mounts.
- Players will be able to revisit areas from Nexus that have been drastically altered; Northern Wilds becomes Northern Wastes and is now a crash site.
It’s one thing to hear about these new additions but it would be even cooler to see them. Well, lookie here! A trailer!
Wildstar- The Strain
Check out some images at the top and stay tuned for more information as we near the end of the month release for The Strain. As we get closer Carbine Studios is set to reveal more locations, new housing plugs, costumes, dyes, emotes, as well as new hoverboard and mounts. Stay frosty.
Published: Jun 19, 2014 09:00 am