Despite Major Nelson’s complaints earlier this month, it looks like the ‘Xbone’ nickname for the Microsoft’s Xbox One will stick around.
It’s a clever use of the name
At least, this was Phil Spencer’s opinion in an interview with Gamespot. Strangely enough, his biggest initial problem with the nickname Xbone was that it was too clever for him to think of. “At first, I guess the thing that bugged me the most is I didn’t see it,” Spencer, head of Microsoft Studios told Gamespot. “I’d been looking at the name for Xbox One for months, and I wasn’t clever enough to merge them and come up with Xbone.”
Though, his thoughts on ‘Xbone’ weren’t exactly positive from there; Â he’s still not particularly fond of the name, but accepts that there’s no point kicking up a fuss about it. “I think it’s going to stick… I think we can say we don’t like it as much as we want, but it’s a clever use of the name.” he explained. “Probably not the most flattering name, but I think it’s going to be there.”
And, when asked if Microsoft would embrace the nickname, he was less than enthusiastic; “Embrace? I think we know it’s there. I don’t think you’ll see us running ads that say Xbone… but, yeah, it’s a clever use of the name.” In spite of this, Microsoft have taken ownership of the domain, so watch this space.
Microsoft’s Xbox One hits store November 22nd in 13 regions.
Published: Oct 4, 2013 11:42 am