It has now been revealed that Bray Wyatt will finally be added to the ever growing roster of WWE Immortals.
The game was released back in January, but only featured a handful of Superstars and Divas. Bray Wyatt was actually featured in a small cutscene, but sadly wasn’t featured as a playable character until now.
The announcement was made via the official WWE Immortals Facebook page. All it showed was a picture of Bray Wyatt’s lantern with text that said “He Is Coming“.
They didn’t show any picture of his character model or revealed anymore details. One would expect him to look similar to his real life counter part. Wyatt already has a supernatural gimmick, so they don’t need to alter his appearance much to fit the tone of the game.
What is funny about all this is that WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Seth Rollins, is yet to be added to the game. You would think they would add Rollins in the game already since he’s the main champion right now. Even his former Shield team mates Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns are in it.
Back to Wyatt, it’s possible he will be added to WWE Immortals sometime later this month via a new update that should be coming soon.
Published: Jul 9, 2015 05:03 pm