The composer for Dragon Ball Super, Norihito Sumitomo, has commented about his feelings on working on the new series. He is happy that the series is continuing after it has been 18 years since GT concluded.
Sumitomo gave a special message to Dragon Ball Super fans who bought the soundtrack that became available earlier this week in Japan. Kanzenshuu translated what he had to say.
Sumitomo said: “First off, as a Dragon Ball fan I want to share this feeling of “hooray, there’s a new series!” with everyone.And now, Dragon Ball Super has finally begun. I can’t contain my excitement at the thought of a continuously unfolding new story from Toriyama-sensei‘s own hand.
All of us on the music creation team came together as one to do a thorough job making these tunes, so that they would go along with the characters and stories. I hope people also enjoy the subtler productions, that allow lines and sound effects to be audible when the episode airs.
Dragon Ball is a universal franchise, passed on from parent to child (as it was with me), and from child to grandchild throughout the whole world. While shouldering the great responsibility of working as a creator in charge of making part of it, I want to continue banging out fresh, cool new tunes, so I ask for everyone’s support.”
If you have watched Dragon Ball Super before, you may have heard the great soundtrack that it has. Sumitomo has done a good job with the music so far. It’s unknown if the English dub will keep the original Japanese music, but it would be cool if Sumitomo’s work is retained.
Published: Feb 26, 2016 11:30 AM UTC