EB Games Australia noted on Facebook that the Final Fantasy 7 Remake will be coming to the Xbox One console eventually.
A user from the KHInsider forums decided to contact EB Games Australia via Facebook. They confirmed that the Xbox One will eventually get the Final Fantasy 7 Remake.
The retailer said: “It is coming to XB1. They have announced for both consoles, however PS4 will have early access”
At E3 2015, it was announced the game will come first to PS4. This means that it’s a timed exclusive much like the Xbox One and Xbox 360 will have Rise of the Tomb Raider first.
EB Games Australia went one further than that and even listed the game on its official website on Xbox One. The product overview just said that “it is coming” and that’s all.
Although nobody knows when the full game will be coming out. People are hoping it gets released in 2017 to mark the 20th anniversary of the original game. However, the game was just announced so it could take longer.
People have to remember that Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts 3 are yet to come out as well. Those games were announced several years ago and have no release dates yet either.
Published: Jul 11, 2015 7:32 AM UTC