The Dark Souls series has been renowned for its insane difficulty levels. From Software has now given a little hint on how difficult the upcoming Dark Souls 3 video game will be like.
The game’s director, Hidetaka Miyazaki, spoke about the difficulty to Play UK recently. Miyazaki said their goal is to “make the game possible to accomplish“.
Miyazaki then explained: “I want to keep both the possibility of accomplishment and the difficulty itself. I think seasoned players will feel refreshed and enjoy new strategies. And for new players, I want to make it difficult, of course, but accomplishable and enjoyable“. .
This may be a sign that Dark Souls 3 will still be pretty challenging, but won’t be too impossible to complete. This year’s Bloodborne for the PS4 adopted the same type of strategy.
Miyazaki mentioned further that planning, observing and learning how to plan for combat are the important things you should consider while playing the new game.
The Dark Souls games always have a trial and error approach. If you die, you try again but use a different strategy. The games are challenging, but with enough patience and perseverance they are beatable.
Long term fans shouldn’t worry about Dark Souls 3 being easy to cater for casual gamers. Miyazaki still wants the game to be difficult to some degree.
Published: Nov 4, 2015 05:00 am