A recent trademark filing suggests that Microsoft has an unannounced game in the works. Microsoft recently filed the trademark application with the United States Trademark Office, seeking a mark for “Gunpowder”. The trademark was filed on January 15th, but Microsoft has yet to announce any new game that could be linked to the filing.
It’s hard to tell what this game could be about, as Trademark filings are generally vague. The filing does say that the mark will be used for “entertainment services, namely, providing online video games.”
If this latest filing ends up being a new Xbox exclusive, it’ll be one of the first we’ve heard about from the company in quite a while. Microsoft has shifted away from new exclusives in recent years, opting to release numerous sequels to established franchises like Gears of War, Halo, and Forza.
Most of their first party titles have been focused on Kinect, and with a name like “Gun Powder”, we could be getting our first shot at a Microsoft sanctioned first person shooter.
Published: Jan 22, 2013 06:00 pm