Koei Tecmo has released the first trailer for Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth – Hacker’s Memory, which is a new entry in the Digimon Story series that builds up on the features of its acclaimed predecessor. The video showcases bits of the story and gameplay of this new title, including new creatures and the first look at the dungeons and the real world levels inspired in Tokyo.
While 2016’s Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth had a regular “chosen one” as a lead character, Hacker’s Memory takes a more mature approach to the story, with the protagonist being framed by a crime he didn’t commit, and needing to enter the hacker scene of the digital world in order to investigate the crime and clean his name. As it was previously announced, the story of this game is not a strict sequel to the original Cyber Sleuth, but instead it portrays a parallel set of events that happen at the same time to those in the previous game.
As with the original, the gameplay features a mix of exploration in the real world inspired in the Tokyo of the future, with dungeon levels set in the digital world, where we’ll be facing enemies using a classic turn-based RPG combat style, not too different to the experience that the recent Persona 5 offers. Through the adventure we’ll be able to recruit various Digimon to join our group, with Hacker’s Memory expanding the roster to more than 320 from the 240 we could find in the previous game.
While many of the dungeons from last year’s game will be visited again, this sequel will add 30 completely new maps, which makes 90 in total.
Koei Tecmo will release the game first in Japan for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita this 2017. However, fans in North America and Europe will have to wait to early 2018, with the PSVita only getting a digital release outside of Japan. Which is still good news considering that the recent Digimon World: Next Order’s portable version was not released out of Japan.
Watch the trailer below:
Published: Apr 7, 2017 10:24 AM UTC