Pokémon GO, the popular augmented reality mobile game, recently announced a contest that requires participants to take pictures using the game’s augmented reality filter. To enter the contest, players will have to take and submit between one and three photos that contain a cleverly placed augmented reality Pokémon. They will then have to upload their photo(s) to Instagram with the hashtag #PokemonGOcontest to enter. There will be ten winners, each of which will receive a Pokémon GO Plus device, a poster signed by Niantic and wireless Bluetooth ear buds.
To be eligible to enter the contest, the official rules state that you need “to be at least the age of majority,” which is 18 in most areas in the U.S. Also, photos will not be allowed to include any people, only landscapes and such. Other legal criteria includes the disqualification of any photos that contain offensive or profane images, photos that contain any logos, slogans, trademarks or any other properties owned by third parties, photos that violate anyone’s privacy or photos that have been previously published. Criteria for which the entries will be judged are the photo’s originality, creativity and “visual fun.” The contest will be held from now until 11:59 PM PST on October 25.
Published: Oct 11, 2017 10:42 PM UTC