In Far Cry 5 upon starting the game you’ll quickly realize that the main objective of the game is liberating the town of Hope, Montana from a cult led by Joseph Seed. After completing a tutorial section of the massive map, you’ll then see that Hope if broken into different regions.
Each of the regions is ruled by one of the Seeds. The Whitetail Mountain Region in the north is ruled by Jacob Seed. In the east, the Henbane River Region is ruled by Faith Seed. The western part of the map, Holland Valley Region, is ruled by John Seed.
Liberating each region will allow you to unlock a final battle with Joseph Seed, but you’ll need to defeat his siblings first. To do this, each region has unique challenges to complete to add points to the Resistance Meter for the area. Once you’ve gotten the set amount of Resistance Points you’ll be able to battle the boss of the region. This Resistance Meter will need to be fully maxed out to fight the boss battle between John, Jacob, or Faith. There is no Resistance Meter for the fight with Joseph.
Earning Resistance points can be done by a number of different things in the game. You can tackle story missions, liberate Cult Outposts, destroy Cult property, Kill Cult VIPs, and many other different activities. Story missions will net you the most Resistance Points, but doing other things adds up as well. Destroying things like Shrines, Silos, and Wolf Beacons will net you 100 points per, and with many in each region they can help you quickly max out the Resistance Meter for each character.
Not all activities will add to the Resistance Meter. Focusing on Story Missions, Cult Events, Outpost Missions, and Destructible Cult Property will help you raise the meter.
Story Missions will net you 600 – 900 Resistance Points per mission. Second to story missions are Outposts which will earn you 400 Resistance Points per. Story missions will unfold in the game as you talk to more characters and visit more places, so just because you don’t see one on the map doesn’t mean that there aren’t more to find. Same goes for Outposts. Exploring the map thoroughly will allow you to find all the opportunities to earn Resistance Points and take down the Cult Leaders.
Published: Mar 25, 2018 3:01 PM UTC