Update 2.55 has arrived for ARK: Survival Evolved, and here’s the full list of changes and fixes added with this patch.
Developer Studio Wildcard released a patch for the game a few days ago, but a new one has now arrived for all platforms. This new update includes a new promotion to celebrate the current Easter season.
From March 31st until April 14th, players are encouraged to find Bunny eggs in order to get some cool loot. You need to look out for wild Bunny Dodos and Bunny Oviraptors to find the eggs you need.
You can read the full patch notes for today’s update posted down below.
ARK: Survival Evolved Update 2.55 Patch Notes
All Platforms:
Current ARK Official Client Version: v562.3
Current Version: v562.3 – 03/31/2021
- Fixed a bug where wild bees would not spawn
- Additional server side logging
- Additional mesh detection metrics
- Fixed a crash related to cryopods (Xbox platforms only)
- Eggcellent Adventure 6 is now live, for more details:
Event Details
- This event can be manually activated with the server arg parameter: -ActiveEvent=Easter
- 3/31 – 4/14
- Bunny Dodos
- Bunny Oviraptors
- Official Servers: 3x XP, Harvesting, Taming, and Breeding, 1.5x Hexagon Bonus
- Small Tribe Servers: 4.5x XP, 4.5x Harvesting, 4.5x Taming, and 4x Breeding, 1.5x Hexagon Bonus
- ARKPocalypse: 5x XP, 5x Harvesting, 5x Taming, and 5x Breeding, 1.5x Hexagon Bonus
- Classic: 4.5x XP, 4.5x Harvesting, 4.5x Taming, and 4x Breeding, 1.5x Hexagon Bonus
- Classic 2: 7x XP, 7x Harvesting, 7x Taming, and 6x Breeding, 1.5x Hexagon Bonus
- Bunny Tail *NEW*
- Procoptodon Bunny Costume
- Bunny Ears Skin
- Dino Bunny Ears Skin
- Easter Chick Hat Skin
- Dino Easter Chick Hat Skin
- Easter Egg Hat Skin
- Dino Easter Egg Hat Skin
- Marshmallow Hat Skin
- Dino Marshmallow Hat Skin
- E4 Remote Eggsplosives Skin
- Easter Egghead Skin
- Chocolate Rabbit Club Skin
- Sweet Spear Carrot Skin
- Bunny Egg
- Festive Dino Candy
- Tail Wiggle Emote *NEW*
- Bunny Hop Dance Emote
- Easter Jerboa *NEW*
- Easter Chick *NEW*
- Thorny Dragon *NEW*
- Achatina *NEW*
- X-Sabertooth *NEW*
Wild Event Creature Colors
- Magenta
- Light Green
- Light Yellow
- Light Orange
- Light Red
- Dino Light Brown
- Dino Dark Brown
- Yellow
- Cyan
- Green
- Dino Medium Blue
- Turquoise
- LightPink
- DeepPink
- Peach
- Mint
- Teal
- PowderBlue
- Cream
ARK: Survival Evolved is out now for PC, PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. You can visit the official forums for more information.
Published: Apr 1, 2021 8:02 AM UTC