Filro the Forgotten is a hostile miniboss in Baldur’s Gate 3 that’s hidden away in the Underdark and guarded by Hook Horrors minions. Filro is located on the southwest side of the Underdark near the Sussur Tree Ancient Sigil Circle. Here is how to beat Filro the Forgotten and the Hook Horrors in Baldur’s Gate 3.
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How to Defeat Filro the Forgotten, Hook Horrors, and Belutte in Baldur’s Gate 3
I discovered that the easiest way to defeat Filro the Forgotten in Baldur’s Gate 3 is to sneak up past the steps, behind the Hook Horror, and backstab Filro when he’s looking out over the chasm. Filro really doesn’t have a lot of health; I eliminated him with one surprise attack and one normal attack on my first turn.
The trick is ungrouping your party and sneaking past the Hook Horror with your sneakiest party member; I recommend Astarion. With Filro dead, be sure to loot all that he has including the Icy Crystal so you can make the Mourning Frost, a very rare two-handed weapon.
Get your entire party up to where Filro is and have everyone bully the Hook Horror. It does have quite a lot of health, but you’ll defeat it quickly if you all make successful attacks.
You’ll want your entire party up where Filro is because on the first turn of combat, Belutte the massive burrowing monster, appears and can easily defeat your allies. Fortunately, if you ignore him, he’ll kill the Hook Horrors on the ground floor. I recommend ignoring Belutte and letting him kill the Hook Horrors and then run away.
With Filro the Forgotten defeated, you can look forward to finding the Forge and defeating Grym.
Published: Aug 7, 2023 6:50 PM UTC