One of the new challenges in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 5 tasks you with finding a Maple Syrup Stash hidden in Hunter’s Haven. This challenge can be tricky because it’s hard to find things when a new season starts and the map is all jumbled up, but we’ve got your back with this handy guide. Thankfully, the Hunter’s Haven Maple Syrup Stash is fairly straightforward to find. The hardest part of this challenge will be avoiding the AI enemies and other players in the area. Here’s where to find the Hunter’s Haven Maple Syrup Stash in Fortnite.
Hunter’s Haven Maple Syrup Stash Location
If you haven’t yet discovered Hunter’s Haven, it’s located directly south of the desert surrounding the Zero Point in the center of the new map. It’s between Weeping Woods and Lazy Lake, so it shouldn’t be too hard to find. If you haven’t found it yet, just visit the location where the player arrow is on the map below.
Once you’re there, it’s time to look for the stash. Mancake’s Maple Syrup Stash is very easy to spot if you know what to look for; it’s a big bottle of maple syrup that gives off a faint glow. It’s on a balcony of a building on the southern edge of the area hidden in a planter. The building is located south of the second H in “Hunter’s Haven” on the minimap. Again, check the minimap location pictured in the screenshot below if you’re having trouble finding it.
You may have to destroy the planter with your pickaxe in order to be able to pick up the syrup. I couldn’t interact with it until I broke it, so just try that to be safe. Also, watch out for other players in the area. Other players have found the syrup stash hidden in another location, which you can see in the video below.
Several people are likely going to be swarming Hunter’s Haven in search of the syrup stash, so be ready for a fight. There are also strong AI enemies roaming the area that can easily kill you, so try to stay out of sight. Once you’re finished with this challenge, be sure to get a headstart on your Beskar quest so you can upgrade The Mandalorian’s armor.
Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 5 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and mobile devices. For more information on Chapter 2 Season 5, visit the official Fortnite site.
Published: Dec 2, 2020 10:13 AM UTC