The Game Boy is one of the most influential video game consoles ever developed, introducing the concept of gaming-on-the-go to the world and emerging as one of Nintendo’s most successful products. While the Game Boy hasn’t been the general public’s go-to mobile gaming console for over a decade, the grey brick is still sought after by many gamers who want to authentically experience the genesis of mobile gaming. So how much does a Game Boy cost nowadays? Here’s how much an original Game Boy is worth today.
How Much Does a Game Boy Cost Today?

Vintage game consoles are generally hard to find, and the few that vendors do track down tend to be very expensive. Thankfully, the Game Boy is an exception to this norm, as the console’s sheer popularity meant that new Game Boys were still being produced well into the 2000s. By the time Nintendo stopped producing the Game Boy, millions of Game Boys had been made.
As of 2023, the price of an original Game Boy can range from 15$ to 250$. This price can be influenced by many factors, including the quality of the Game Boy’s internal hardware, the condition of its housing shell, and whether or not it comes in its original packaging. Online retailers like eBay and Amazon generally price Game Boys within the 15$ to 75$ price range, so you don’t have to spend too much to get one.
Related: Top Game Boy Games on Nintendo Switch
How Much Do Game Boy Games And Accessories Cost?

While the Game Boy itself isn’t particularly expensive, it’s just a novelty item unless you can find some Game Boy games to play. The Game Boy boasts a massive library of compatible games, with many being Game Boy exclusives produced for a limited time. While more popular Game Boy Games like Pokemon Red & Blue and Tetris can be bought for as little as $16, rarer titles like F1 Pole Position and Amazing Tater regularly cost over $4,000.
The Game Boy also has many accessories that give the console additional functions. These include the Game Boy Link Cable, which allows you to play multiplayer games with friends, and the Game Boy Camera and Printer, which can turn your Game Boy into a primitive but effective camera. More common Game Boy accessories typically cost between $20 and $30, while rarer add-ons like the Camera and Printer can run as high as $2,000.
Published: Jul 31, 2023 10:27 PM UTC