It looks like the end of January brought more than just the news of one game shutting down. Rumbleverse, a game that came out in August of 2022, is meeting the same fate as Apex Legends Mobile. The game will go permanently offline on February 28, 2023, at 10 AM CST. With the game no longer playable after that date comes the question, will people be able to get a refund on purchases in Rumbleverse? If so, how?
Are Players Eligible For a Refund in Rumbleverse?
Luckily, if you spent money on the game, you are able to receive a refund. Purchases will also include Battle Passes or the in-game Brawlla Bills. Whether you played the game on a PlayStation, PC, or Xbox, you can get a refund.
How to Get a Refund in Rumbleverse
As of now, there isn’t clear information on how you can get a refund for anything bought in-game. There will be more news in the coming days.
In the meantime, it doesn’t seem like you can buy currency for the game anymore. As stated in the post regarding the shutdown of the game, the store is going to be closed. However, the “full experience” will be open to every player. This means that the current Battle Pass will be accessible to all players, regardless if it was purchased or not.
Double XP will also be on permanently until the game shuts down at the end of February. Many other features in the game will be unlocked, along with a few additional goodies to give new players one try to see what the game is all about before it sunsets.
Unlike Apex Legends Mobile, you can at least give it a go, even if you are a new player, to see what the game was like before it’s too late.
Rumbleverse is available only for a few more weeks before being shut down on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.
Published: Feb 1, 2023 06:41 pm