Following the takeover of Princess Peach’s castle by King Olly and the reveal of his identity, both Mario and Olivia are kicked out of the castle and end up in the nearby forest. There are a few mini-puzzles to solve along the way, but eventually you’ll end up on a screen that you can see above with a big tree stump. You enter from the bottom left area of the screen and the only exit is on the bottom right, but as soon as you exit out of there, you will enter from the bottom left again. That means it’s your typical forest maze that is nothing new for Nintendo games and this guide will tell you what you need to do to finally escape.
How To Escape Forest Maze
For those who are familiar with forest mazes like the Lost Woods in the Legend of Zelda series, you might think there is some trick to the music or something with exits, but the problem here is that there is only one exit that’s not where you came in. You might also think maybe you need to go back out the way you came in, which also does not work.
Instead, what you need to do is go out the exit the first time and come back in. Then do the same thing again until you end up back in the room for a third time. This is when Olivia will say something about maybe needing to take a rest on the tree stump like seen above, so do that.
When you are sitting on the tree, this will cause trees to awaken around you and start speaking to you. They will reveal that the tree you are on is their grandpappy and to please get off of him. Once he is awake, they will ask you to go search for the Soul Seed, which you technically might already have in your possession.
If you followed the guide about the golden ball prior, you should have the Shriveled Seed in your bag. What you need to do is advance further until you reach the lake you saw earlier and toss the Shriveled Seed in to get a Soul Seed in return.
Published: Jul 18, 2020 11:38 AM UTC