In Red Dead Online you will have four different ability slots when playing the game. You’ll start with one ability and as you progress through the rank system you will unlock three more slots. The first slot is for Dead Eye specific ability cards. The second, third, and fourth slots are designated for passive ability cards that you can fill with cards that you unlock.
Ability Cards in Red Dead Redemption 2 are Rank Rewards
To unlock all three passive ability slots you will need to rank up to level 40 in Red Dead Online. These Passive Ability Cards are always working while in your loadout and can have a bunch of different effects depending on which ones you choose.
There are three different types of Passive Abilities in RDR2 Online
There are three different types of Passive Ability Cards. There are Combat Abilities, Recover Abilities, and Defense Abilities. Each one of these categories has six total cards that can be unlocked. Each card can also be upgraded as well.
When you reach the required level that unlocks these cards, you then have to use cash to purchase the card so that you can use it. You can purchase these ability cards in the abilities menu option which is accessed by heading into the main menu and selecting abilities from the menu options.
Combat Ability Cards
Combat Ability Cards can be upgraded from Tier I to Tier 3. The higher tier the card, the stronger the effect that the card has.
Horseman – You deal a little more damage while on horseback. – Level 10
Necessity Breeds – As you get closer to death, you start to do a little more damage – Level 16
Landon’s Patience – Waiting for up to 15 seconds between shots slightly increases your damage – Level 18
The Short Game – You deal more damage to targets closer to you, but less to far away targets – Level 38
Hangman – Lasso chokes enemies dealing damage for every second they are lassoed. – Level 42
Winning Streak – Each consecutive shot on the same target does a little more damage – Level 48.
Recovery Ability Cards
Recovery Ability Cards can be upgraded from Tier I to Tier 3. The higher tier the card, the stronger the effect that the card has.
Come Back Stronger – Health begins regenerating a little sooner after you take damage. – Level 10
Peak Condition – You inflict a little more damage if your Stamina is at least 75% full – Level 14
Eye for and Eye – Headshots restore a little Dead Eye – Level 28
The Gift of Focus – Items and Abilities which restore Dead Eye have their effects slightly improved. You deal a little less damage. – Level 30
Strange Medicine – You regain a little health whenever you inflict damage. Your health will otherwise regenerate at half the normal rate. – Level 32
Cold Blooded – After killing an enemy you will get back a little health over the next five seconds. – Level 36
Defense Ability Cards
Defense Ability Cards can be upgraded from Tier I to Tier 3. The higher tier the card, the stronger the effect that the card has.
Hunker Down – Take less damage while in cover. – Level 20
To Fight Another Day – Take less damage from bullets while sprinting – Level 22
The Unblinking Eye – Dead Eye and Eagle Eye drain slower – Level 26
Take the Pain Away – Reviving someone gives you and that person less damage taken for 8 seconds. – Level 34
Of Single Purpose – Take less damage from bullets while unarmed or using a melee weapon – Level 40
Never without One – Your hat will block one headshot and then fall off. If you are not wearing a hat you take more damage – Level 46
Published: Nov 28, 2018 01:49 am