As you quest and conquer your way through Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, you’ll have the ability to collect a large number of things in the world that can help you out, be it golden dice to increase the luck of your looting, or items like Lost Marbles that will help increase your strength. You’ll be able to find two of these in the main hub city of Brighthoof.
However, where do you find them? How do you find your marbles and get stronger as you continue on your quest? Follow along with us as we dive into this, and help you find the two lost marbles in Brighthoof!
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands – Lost Marbles Location
Thankfully, besides just getting into Brighthoof for the first time, these two marbles aren’t the worst thing in the world to try to find. You’ll be able to find them both in pretty quick succession of one another, depending on where you are in the story.
To get your hands on the first marble, make your way to Izzy’s Fizzes, which you’ll find on the northern part of the map. Once you are there, go inside and go up to the second story, and from there, continue inside until you can reach the balcony, and head outside onto it. Once you are here, you’ll want to head to the south, where you will see a large wooden plank coming from the corner of the balcony. From here, you’ll see the marble sitting on top of a barrel on one of the other buildings. A quick jump, and you’ll be able to claim this item as your own.
The second marble will not appear until you complete the questline for Emotion of the Ocean. Thankfully, this is not a side quest or anything of the sort, so you cannot miss this quest, so you won’t fully lose your marbles. Once you have completed this quest, you can return to Brighthoof, and find the skeleton chest on the western portion of the map. You’ll want to go down the ramp and into the Sewers, and once you reach the bottom of the ramp, you’ll want to head towards the broken metal grate. After dropping into here, you’ll be able to find a tunnel, and a ladder at the end of it, where you will be able to collect your second Brighthoof marble.
Thankfully, depending on where you are in the story, you can knock both of these out at the same time, or you can go for one and come back at any time since the world allows you to explore freely at your whim. The choice is yours!
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is available now on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and PC.
Published: Apr 2, 2022 2:53 PM UTC