Part of the Shonen Dark Trio, Chainsaw Man is one of the most popular modern anime. Based on a manga by the same name, the anime’s popularity has led to more and more people checking out the manga.
Under these circumstances, some fans of the series question the fate of the manga. Wondering if the Chainsaw Man manga is over or not? Keep reading to find out!
Chainsaw Man Status Explained
The manga version of Chainsaw Man is still ongoing as of October 2023. The series is serialized in Shueisha’s Shōnen Jump+ online magazine, with new chapters coming out every Tuesday at 10 AM CT/ 8 AM PT/ 11 AM ET.
So far, the Chainsaw Man manga has 146 chapters divided into 15 volumes. But with the manga’s weekly schedule, new chapters are still coming out and are likely going to keep doing so for a couple of years.
Related: All Chainsaw Man Story Arcs in Order
Will the Manga Be Adapted?
Chainsaw Man’s anime is more or less faithful to the manga when it comes to character design, story, and other elements. As such, the anime is unlikely to deviate into original story territory and the manga will likely continue being adapted as long as it’s ongoing and has an audience.
There may be delays between seasons to ensure quality, but the adaptations are most likely to continue. Still, keep in mind that all of this is merely speculation and is subject to change as we receive official information.
What is Chainsaw Man About?
In a world with humans and devils, Chainsaw Man’s protagonist Denji hunts devils using his devil dog Pochita as a chainsaw. But when the Yakuza become zombies and attack him, Pochita fuses with Denji to give rise to the devil-human hybrid Chainsaw Man.
Denji is then recruited by Makima to join the Public Safety Division of governmental devil hunters. The whole thing revolves around killing the Gun devil, but as more details come to light, it’s clear things aren’t quite as they seem.
Published: Oct 26, 2023 10:13 am